100 DAYS
The race to save Omega
The race to save Omega
"There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it
advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this
abomination, has thought and purpose which functions on an unimaginable,
galactic scale and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-engineered
monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct. We have given the horror a name to
salve our fears; we call it the Tyranid race, but if it is aware of us at all
it must know us only as Prey."
Mission Two – Day Ten – Cut off the Head
news of the Tyranid attack reaching Imperial Command, key positions have been
swiftly reinforced, though the full extent of the planetary force is yet to be
deployed, and air support is not yet operational. Anticipating that command
outposts will be among the next targets, all available Space Marine units have
deployed to protect the planetary leadership, including high ranking Imperial
Guard officials.
Mission Length:
As per standard missions.
Deployment etc:
The Imperial force will comprise of 1000 points of Imperial
Guard, including 2 Company Command Squads and at least two Platoon Command
Squads, and 1000 points of Space Marines. The Tyranid player picks a force of
2000 points.
The sides deploy in a “Pitched Battle” set-up, with the
Imperials using several structures to represent the command outpost. The Imperial Guard deploy first, followed by
the Tyranids. All Space Marine units enter from reserve as per usual. The
Imperial Guard player may not keep any forces in reserve. The Tyranid player
may use reserves as per normal rules.
Victory Conditions:
Use the following table to count up the Tyranid score for
this mission. More points are awarded for officers killed in close combat
because these officers are less likely to recover from their injuries!
in close combat
by shooting/ other
Once the Tyranid score is counted, check the following table
to see the result of the battle and the impact on the next major battle, Mission 5.
on Mission 5
Significant Tyranid victory – IG command has been utterly routed,
with confirmed kills of several high ranking officers
Tyranids accrue 500 point bonus
Minor Tyranid victory – IG command has been severely hit with key
figures missing or out of action
Tyranids accrue 200 point bonus
Minor Imperial victory – IG command has suffered some losses
Imperials accrue 200 point bonus
Under 5
Significant Imperial victory –
IG command has emerged generally unscathed
Imperials accrue 500 point bonus
Cadian 42nd
Colonel Esmir, commander of the 42nd
Colonel Esmir is a sly old dog, a man of vast experience
and sober judgement, hero of a hundred conflicts. But he has never faced the
Tyranids, nor escaped from a situation as perilous at that on Omega. As
commander of the 42nd regiment, the largest Imperial force on
Omega, much rests on Esmir. First, though, he must fight tooth-and-nail for
his own life.
Captain Cosovic, 3rd
Company Infantry
Cosovic’s career has been marked by
occasional brilliance but marred by episodes of impetuosity and poor
discipline. He is, however, a sound tactician and an excellent motivator –
accordingly, the 3rd company is often called upon for the most dangerous and
difficult assignments. Despite their differences, Esmir ensured that Cosovic
and his men were swiftly redeployed to fight alongside him when news of the
Tyranid attack broke.
Lieutenant Degovic, 3rd
Company, 2nd platoon
A specialist in heavy weapons fire, talented and clever,
but otherwise somewhat lacking in distinction.
Lieutenant Kevala, 3rd
Company, 9th platoon
Young Kevala, a personal friend of Cosovic since an early
age, has been marked out as a future leader of some standing. He is brave,
often leading from the front, and has demonstrated himself well able to instil
in his platoon a desire to fight to the death.
Imperial lines at set up |
Colnel Esmir |
Steady men, steady |
Nids eye view |
The onslaught begins |
Heroic intervention by the deathwing |
Their compatriots were not so accurate with their teleport |
A drop pod full of reinforcements arrives to hold the lines |
Genestealers attempt to take the skyshield |
The first squad of terminators fare badly and most are slain before their comrades arrive |
A trygon bursts amongst the Imperial defences, scattering the guardsmen in horror |
Colnel Esmir puts his faith in the Emperor as all around him are slain by the beast |
The lone survivor of the Deathwing faces down the oncoming tide. |
The Dark Angels valiantly prepare to hold the lines |
Accepting his position, the lone terminator shuns a heroic sacrifice in favour of the mission and heads back to the front line |
Genestealers threaten to overwhelm the Imperial skyshield |
As all seems lost, the Deathwing reinforcements arrive to aid their bretheren |
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The Imperials rally for a last-ditch effort to slay the nigh unstoppable Trygon |
Their celebration is short lived, as massed, ranged bio-weaponry tears through even terminator armour |
With the Dark Angels depleted, a final blow is struck with the arrival of mycetic spores bearing Tyranid reinforcements. |
Colnel Esmir finally succumbs to the Tyranid assassination |
Too little, too late, the off-target deathwing squad cannot help their allies. |
The delayed Deathwing squad are determined to reap some retribution for their dead brothers. |
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Against all odds the Guard hold the skyshield |
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The last of the Dark Angels are slain by the hormagaunts. |
The lines are broken, and the Doom of Malantai arrives to seal the Imperials fate |
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Yet more genestealers outflank from the West and take the Imperial Guard by surprise. |
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There's no stopping the Doom of Malantai as it leeches the very souls from the remaining Guardsmen |
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A small victory in the centre gives some raised spirits for the survivors |
The day belongs to the hive tyrant and his brood. |
Mission Two DEBRIEF -
Minor Tyranid Victory
No amount of hastily-procured
reinforcements could have adequately prepared Esmir and his cohort from the
devastating attack that befell them just days after the reality of the Tyranid invasion
had been accepted. A heroic but ill-starred intervention by the Dark Angels
could not save the Colonel, who fell to grievous wounds inflicted by a new
Tyranid creature of unknown species and origin. Likewise confirmed dead was
Lieutenant Degovic, and in the aftermath of the battle there were reports that
Esmir’s second in command, Captain Cosovic, had fallen to the same strange
beast that slew his superior. The valiant Lieutenant Kevala, however, had
ensured that Cosovic had been rescued from the battlefield even as the Imperial
troops, routed by a shower of organic projectiles, had fled in terror.
Stranded, exhausted, and nursing
serious injury, old friends Cosovic and Kevala would face a challenge of the
highest order even to live out the few hours that remained until dawn. But with
Cosovic now the highest-ranking officer in the 42nd regiment,
Imperial Command would divert any resources necessary to secure his safe
Old two eye:
'My death-star blob of T6 did me proud, marching through the centre of
the battlefield with enough dakka to keep the Dark Angels at bay as I'd hoped
(though the inaccurate deep-strike of the 2nd terminator unit helped
immensely). Having reached the Guard emplacements relatively unscathed my
tyrant was able to swing things in my favour with his Brain-leech devourers- a
fitting weapon in an attempt to cripple the enemies' command structure and feed
on their neurons. Meanwhile the deep-striking Trygon prime and Doom of Malantai
kept the central guardsmen busy, whilst the gene-stealers gave the flanks
something to think about. The Doom in particular had the kind of
performance that justified his background description as an insane vortex of
death. I benefitted from the combination of good dice rolling, a rare case of
having a carefully prepared plan and the co-operation of my opponents who
fielded lists that best suited the nature of the conflict.'
Commissar Bob:
'deleted by the Inquisition...'
'Well, we certainly gave it a shot but the sheer nastiness of some of those big nids plus the punishing rate of fire meant we simply didn't have enough firepower to take them down. By the time the Doom arrived we were out of anything that could seriously hope to damage it and it cut through our lines regenerating wound after wound. It's a shame the other deathwing squad mishapped to the other side of the board as they may have made a difference early on in the game. This day belongs to the hive mind.
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