As an aside, this mission was voted unanimously as the most fun mission we'd all played in a long time. Commissar Bob, Old Two Eyes and myself were joined by Alex (From the Fang) for two on two.
Mission 4 - Hunt for the Fallen
Following the failure of
Inquisitor Lothar and his team to stop the Tyranids broadcasting the psychic
beacon to the hive fleets, the war for Omega has escalated. In the wake of this
disaster, Aeris, the adjutant of the late Inquisitor, contacts the newly
arrived Grand Master of the Dark Angels Deathwing claiming to have a personal
message for him from Inquisitor Lothar. Reluctantly, Grand Master Belial grants
the adjutant an audience. Aeris conveys his gratitude to the Grand Master and reveals
the message canister for his eyes only left by Inquisitor Lothar upon his
death. The scroll inside is inscribed with a set of coordinates and a single
name…..Cypher. Belial questions Aeris as to what he knows of the matter to
which the young adjutant denies any knowledge. His does however report that the
coordinates stated are the site of an Imperial garrison where suspected
genestealer cult activity has been reported. Whether the garrison harbours a
Fallen Angel, a malevolent Xenos cult or a battalion of dedicated Imperial
Soldiers is unknown. But in these desperate times, if even the slightest chance
of a Fallen Angel being amongst them exists, Grand Master Belial has no choice
but to persecute them with maximum lethal force.
The normal rules for 40k apply.
The points level for the game is 2500.
The traitor revealed:
The Imperial guard player must
take 3 company command squads but otherwise follows the force organisation
chart as normal. The Dark Angels player must not directly kill any of the
company command squads using ranged weaponry before the treachery can be
revealed – if they do then the game immediately ends in defeat for the Dark
Angel player. Instead, they must attempt to engage each squad in close combat.
When a command squad is engaged in close combat roll a D6:
1 – Genestealer Magus
2-5 – nothing
6 - Cypher
If a 2-5 is rolled resolve the combat as normal. If a 1 or 6
is rolled, replace the company commander with the appropriate model. Once a 1
or 6 is rolled there is no need to roll on the chart again – the traitor has
been revealed!
GENESTEALER MAGUS 4 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 10
/ 5+
Unit: Wargear:
Infantry Laspistol
Independent character Flak armour
Force staff
Special rules: Psychic
Psyker (ML3) Hypnotic
Shadow in the warp Leech essence
Warp field Aura
of despair
Eternal warrior
Revered figure
For the swarm!
Revered figure:
The Magus is a figurehead to all of the brood brothers
around him. While still alive, all friendly units within 12” have both the
counter attack, furious charge and fearless rules. (not the magus himself)
For the swarm:
The magus is of vital importance to the plans of the hive
mind. If threatened, many of the creatures higher up in the hierarchy of the
genestealer cult will attempt to intervene. As soon as the Magus is revealed,
immediately place 2D6 Ymargl Genestelers within 6” of the Magus. They may
immediately engage in close combat with the foe who revealed the Magus, though
both sides count as having performed a disorganised charge that turn.
CYPHER 5 / 6 /
4 / 4 / 2 / 5 / 3 / 10 / 3+
Infantry Wargear:
Independent character Power armour
And they shall know no fear plasma
Fallen Angel bolt
Divine protection frag and
krak grenades
Cypher's skill with his exquisite
pistols are legendary. His shots wound on a4+, regardless of the victim's
Toughness. Such is Cypher's skill that wounds caused by his shooting attacks
are allocated by his controlling player, rather than the opposing player. His pair
of pistols fire together as a single ranged weapon with the following profile:
X (4+)
Assault 4
In addition, Cypher continues to
fight with his pistols in close combat. He counts counts as being armed with a
power weapon and gains the +1 Attack bonus for being equipped with two close
combat weapons.
Divine Protection:
If Cypher is
ever affected by an attack that would cause Instant Death or remove him from
play, he only takes a single wound from the attack. If Cypher is reduced to 0
Wounds or would be removed as a casualty for any reason, don't remove him from
the battlefield -- just place the model on its side to note his location. At
the beginning of his controlling player's turn, roll a D6. On a 1, 2 or 3,
Cypher is removed from play without a trace. On a 4+, he has cheated certain
death again, scrambling into view of his attackers, bloodied but unbowed.
Cypher is restored to 1 Wound and may be placed anywhere on the battlefield
within 12" of his current location. He can move and fight
normally in
the turn he reappears.
Victory conditions:
If no
traitors are revealed, the game counts as a minor victory for the Tyranids
regardless of the outcome. (due to the innocent blood spilled)
If a
genestealer magus is revealed, the game counts as a minor victory for the
Imperials if he is slain or a minor victory for the Tyranids if he survives the
If Cypher is
revealed, the game counts as a minor victory for the Imperium should he be
slain. (as only the Dark Angels interests are served) Should he be revealed and
not slain, no victory points are awarded to either side and another game must
be played with Dark Angels Vs Chaos Space Marines to determine the outcome of
the hunt for Cypher.
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Imperial Guard deployment |
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Dark Angels deployment |
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A loyal innocent, vile Magus or ancient enemy??? |
Turn 1
The Ravenwing deploy behind the
shelter of the building in the left hand corner and manage to avoid taking fire
from the IG gunline. They then turbo boost out of cover to get in position and
teleport in reinforcements. The land speeder typhoon strips some hull points
from a chimera.
Turn 2
With their newly arrived vendetta
and demolisher, the might of the Imperial guard gunline relentlessly hammers
the Ravenwing, destroying both land speeders and the RWAS, as well as killing 2
black knights. However, the remaining Knights do their job well and the Deathwing
arrive – 5 squads led by Belial and an Interrogator Chaplain, as well as the
rest of the RWAS. While the ravenwing attack squad with plasma turbo boosts
along the backfield, the Deathwing and rest of the ravenwing mercilessly gun down
the Imperial guard infantry, choosing to concentrate their fire and presence
rather than spreading themselves too thinly across the battlefield. A decision
which may cost them dear.
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The arrival of the Deathwing takes the Imperial Guard by surprise |
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The battle begins to take shape |
Turn 3
On the lefts of the table, 3
Sentinels outflank, whereas on the right a second vendetta swoops in. Veterans
armed with meltaguns disembark from the damaged chimera and once again the
mighty Imperial Guard gunline opens up. The attack bike and 4 terminators fall
to the hail of shells and las blasts, but most remain unscathed thanks to the
mighty storm shields and standard of fortitude blessing them. In retaliation
the Nephilim arrived and damaged the second vendetta, while the black knights
destroy the sentinels and the ravenwing attack squad continues to race across
the back of the board. The Deathwing knights charge and wipe out an imperial
guard squad gaining good ground, while the rest of the Deathwing tear apart two
of the leman russ tanks, the demolisher and the damaged chimera as the veterans
flee. A lucky shot from the cyclone launcher also cripples the nearby vendetta
forcing it to hover. The Deathwing now begin to sweep across the board towards
their quarry.
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Imperial Guard reinforcements arrive to combat the Deathwing |
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But the dark angels have reinforcements of their own |
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The Implacable Deathwing advance, while the Black knights combat the sentinels |
Turn 4
Despite the loss of half their
armour, the Imperial Guard retaliation is swift and brutal with a second squad
of melta veterans disembarking a chimera and slaying the squad of terminators
who tore apart the leman russ tanks. The vendetta damaged by the Nephilim
chooses to disengage and leaves the board, while much of the rest of the army
pours firepower into the implacable Deathwing knights, who miraculously
survived unscathed. The Dark Angels fight back with the Nephilim wrecking a
chimera to begin and the ravenwing attack squad from the backfield
outmanoeuvring the leman russ tanks, destroying one with their plasma guns. The
Deathwing knights slay two squads of imperial guard with ease, while Grand
Master Belial and his squad avenge the loss of their brothers by killing the
melta veterans. One of the other Deathwing squads held back to finish the
crippled valkyrie, while the cyclone manages to kill 2 lascannon teams atop the
central building.
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With the left flank secure, the Deathwing advance on their quarry |
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The Imperial guard prepare to defend their commanders to the death |
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The Dark Angels wrath is swift and brutal |
Turn 5
The second vendetta returned to
seek vengeance upon the nephilim, stunning it and forcing it to disengage from
the battle. The imperial guard continued to retreat in good order seeing that
the tide of the battle was turning against them. Hails of fire killed four of
the Deathwing knights, their fortitude finally failing them. The Black Knights
screamed across the battlefield to support their brothers while the ravenwing
attack squad finished the job they started by destroying the last leman russ. Belial’s
command squad destroyed the last chimera then engaged and slew the first of the
enemy commanders, revealing him to be nothing more than a mere human. The
Interrogator Chaplain and sole Deathwing knight engaged the second command
squad only to find the same. Could it be that the whole battle was based on
misinformation and that their opponents were actually loyal servants of the
Turn 6
With little to do but try and
stall for time, the Imperial Guard poured the last of their fire into the Dark
Angels, but to little avail. In return, the Dark Angels wiped out the last of
the infantry, save for the remaining command squad in the far corner. Would
they be able to make it in time?
Turn 7
The Vendetta managed to kill two
black knights while in return it was stripped to one hull point by the cyclone
and ravenwing attack squad. The last two black knights manage to engage the
command squad in combat, only to find that the enemy commander, is in fact,
CYPHER! With time almost gone they can only despair as the Unforgiven Angel
survives the assault and manages to escape once again.
Belial pulled the sword of secrets from the man’s body with a sharp
twist. He had not come here to slay men, but to bring low the nemesis of his
chapter: Cypher. Many of his brothers were gravely wounded, perhaps dead
already, and now Belial was faced with the grim reality that this lead could have
simply been yet another false trail. Except this time it had led to bloodshed
amongst their own forces, and though it was a small price to pay to bring the
nefarious Cypher to repentance, it would be a grave stain upon his honour
should that not be so. He looked across the battlefield to Interrogator
Chaplain Seraphicus, clad in his grim, baroque terminator armour. Seraphicus
struck down his opponent, the second target. Their eyes met, and Serpahicus
slowly shook his head, inidicating to Belial that he too had killed a mere man.
Belials heart sunk, all thoughts of glory and vengeance now overcast by that of
failure. A tank exploded somewhere to the right of him and a group of black
knights sped past on bikes, being hounded by a Guard gunship. One of the riders
fell, then another, cut down by crimson beams. Belial, intrigued all of a
sudden, cast his gaze to where the Ravenwings relentless hunters were so
desperate to reach that they would make themselves so easy a target. Behind
some pillars and ruins, Belial could just make out the outline of a standard,
flapping in the breeze. The third target. But something else caught his eye and
without thought he felt his lip curl and his heart race. There, affront the
standard, was an outline too large to be human. A figure in black armour and
tattered robes similar to those Belial himself once wore. In each hand was a
pistol, and over one shoulder, the hilt of a sword so large only a demi-God
would wield it. As the Black knights engaged the enemy, Belial raced to assist
them. He opened the general vox to his men. One word was all that was needed.
What a game! From the outset it
played very cinematically, with the ravenwing making their brave sacrifice to
bring in the Deathwing on target, then the Deathwing making their implacable
advance across the board devastating all in their path. The scenario was great
fun to play and to get the Cypher reveal in the final turn was a great twist.
Good contenders for man of the match could either go to the black knights for
revealing Cypher and generally performing well, or the command squad for
providing the banner that helped keep everything alive. Ultimately though, I
think it has to go to the Deathwing Knights who literally weathered an entire
armys worth of shooting without a scratch and really took the fight to the
enemy early on – you cannot hide!
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