Hi folks,
Has been far too long but finally
I've got the chance to hammer out some thoughts on the new Necron codex and
release. This will be far from comprehensive and there are much more thorough
looks at the dex out there but I always like to do these reviews if only to get
my head around what's changed and what hasn't. I'll also give brief mention to
the rules found within WD and Exterminatus for the Mephrit dynasty. Due to the
sheers amount of formations, I'll split the review up into three parts; one for
them and another two for everything else. Any wargear that has changed will be
covered in the most appropriate entry.
Overall release impressions:
As has become the norm now,
necrons came with both a codex and set of datacards. Both I have to say are
very nice and fit in line with what we are used to by now. The codex has the
added benefit of being larger than all other codexes save for the Space Marine
one, but alas many of the extra pages are taken up by rather low quality CG
schematics of infantry and their markings. A lot of this seems rather
superfluous and not really that interesting or aesthetically pleasing to look
at. A shame as I think it detracts from an otherwise lovely book. The only
model release (let's face it, they didn't really need any) is a new Lord with a
rather scythe-like warscythe. Much nicer than the FC Lord and the model
represents one of the relics nicely.
Army special rules
Reanimation protocols is now
different and works a bit like feel no pain in that it is an additional roll
made after a failed save. Only destroyer and remove from play rules invalidate
it. Roll a D6 and on a 5+ the model survives (subtract 1 if it was an instant
death wound). The roll can never be better than 4+ and if the model/unit has
feel no pain the you must choose which roll to use, not both. This seems a much
better way of doing reanimation as it saves any confusion with models laid on
their side with the old version. Ever living has also been moved to a formation
perk. Living metal now not only ignores crew shaken, but also has the chance to
reclaim a single hull point on a roll of 6 every turn for the heavy/super heavy
vehicles. Note that the Phaeron rule has disappeared.
Warlord traits are as follows:
1 - Enduring will - Warlord has
eternal warrior USR.
2 - Eternal madness - Warlord has
zealot USR.
3 - Immortal hubris - Warlord and
friendly Necron units in 12" can reroll morale, pinning and fear tests.
4 - Hyperlogical strategist - May
+/- 1 from seize the initiative and reserve rolls.
5 - Implacable conqueror -
Warlord and all friendly Necron units within 12" have relentless and
crusader USRs.
6 - Honourable combatant -
Warlord must always issue/accept a challenge. Can then reroll failed to hit
rolls in challenge. No-one may intervene save for Obyron. If enemy refuses
challenge then Warlord gains hatred for the rest of the game.
Artefacts of the aeons (relics) -
a lot of these are formerly cryptek upgrades:
Gauntlet of the conflagrator - S7
AP2 template - one use only
Solar Staff - 12" S5 AP3
assault 3, blind, solar pulse (once per game can cancel out night fight and
only snap shots can be made against the bearer and his unit)
Nightmare shroud - 2+ armour save and fear USR. Once per game
can choose an enemy within 18" and make them take a morale check.
Veil of darkness - bearer has
deep strike and can also relocate once per game via deep strike even if in
Orb of eternity - after a
reanimation protocol roll is failed, can activate this item (once per game).
The failed roll can be rerolled as can any failed reanimation protocol rolls in
that unit for the rest of the phase. Also, all rolls get a +1 bonus.
Voidreaper - a master crafted,
fleshbane warscythe.(especially cool if you use this chap)
Tactical objectives:
11 - thrall of the Silent King -
generate an additional objective - if it is achieved you score that plus D3.
12 - Dust and ashes - Nominate
one Necron character - score 1 VP if still alive at the end of the turn.
13 - Reclaim and recapture - roll
a D6 - if odd numbered you score D3 if controlling all 3 odd numbered
objectives. If even, then same for even numbered objectives.
14 - Age of the machine - Score 1
VP if an enemy gun emplacement, vehicle or building destroyed (or D3 if at
least 3). If super-heavy or mighty bulwark, score an additional 3.
15 - Slaughter the living - 1 VP
if an enemy unit was destroyed.
16 -Code of combat - 1 VP if you
issued a challenge.
Overlord - Now a bit cheaper and
with 1 point extra of WS/BS but otherwise unchanged. Ever living is now gone as
it has been made redundant by the changes to reanimation protocols. Sempiternal
weave and tesseract labyrinths are now gone and much of the wargear has
changed. I'll cover the melee weapons under elites but save to say the all got
cheaper except the warscythe which doubled in cost. Phylactery now grants it
will not die, a resurrection orb works as for the orb of eternity except that
you don't gain the +1 bonus and mindshackle scarabs have been changed (thank
goodness) so that in a challenge the model causes fear which tests on 3D6. Gauntlet
of fire and tachyon arrow are mostly unchanged, with the arrow now having a
120" range. Phase shifters are now a 4+ invulnerable save which does NOT
confer to chariots. Overall, the wargear seems much more balanced now so that
Overlords are not overpowered.
Lord - now a cheaper alternative
HQ choice rather than part of a court, Lords got a bit more pricey but gained a
wound. They are otherwise identical to overlords in terms of options and rules.
Cryptek - These chaps got a lot
more pricey and also gained a wound. They are also a separate HQ choice now and
no longer part of a court. No longer do they have so much variety and flavour
with their wargear choices sadly and so have to make do with the relics and
regular wargear. They do however bolster your reanimation protocols by +1 for
the whole unit as well as having sole access to the chronometron, granting the
Cryptek and his unit a 5++ against shooting attacks. A useful bolstering model
but no longer the must take of old.
Destroyer Lord - not much to say
here. Bit cheaper, otherwise unchanged. The big difference is that he's now jet
pack infantry (I will discuss later).
Nemessor Zahndrek - a fair bit
cheaper now and one of the few models to retain access to a 2+ save. He lost
phased reinforcements and his resurrection orb, both of which are a shame.
Instead of granting special rules for units, adaptive tactics now allows him to
change his warlord trait every turn but he may not duplicate. Counter tactics
has also changed and now allows you to mirror special rules from other nearby
enemy units - as long as they're on the
list and within 24" there doesn't seem to be a limit to how many per turn.
Overall he seems different but not really better or worse for the points. He's
quite a tricky character to use effectively, but with the right squad and
against the right enemy I can see him being effective.
Varguard Obyron - Again, a fair
bit cheaper in this edition. Obyron retains the ghostwalk mantle and a 2+ save,
but has lost a wound. Varguard's duty now auto passes glorious intervention
tests. The mantle can no longer be used if he is locked in combat and is a one
use only piece of wargear. He doesn't scatter if he arrives within 12" of
Zahndrek. Cleaving counterblow is much the same. Overall I would say Obyron
hasnt really changed as the loss of a wound evens out the points drop.
Illuminor Szeras - A bit more
expensive than before, Szeras retains the same stat-line and is now the only
Cryptek with access to an eldritch lance. Mechanical augmentation is the same
and he also benefits from a better version of technomancer, enhancing not just his
squads reanimation rolls but that of other squads within 6". He did lose
gaze of flame, but on the bright side now causes fear! Overall, pretty good and
worth considering now ordinary Crypteks are more limited.
Orikan the diviner -
significantly cheaper than before, though he did lose the transdimensional
beamer and temporal snares. His two profiles remain the same as in the previous
book as does the manner in which he upgrades, except that it is now a permanent
change. The staff of tomorrow is pretty much the same except that the AP2 is
now clarified. Master chronomancer is an another better version of the standard
cryptek rule, which means not only does his squad add +1 to reanimation rolls
but also that they can re-roll saving throws of 1. I think this chap is again
worth considering as an alternative to a Cryptek if you have the points spare.
Anrakyr the traveller - About the
same points as before and pretty much fulfils the same role as a pimped
warscythe overlord. He still has his tachyon arrow, counter attack and furious
charge, plus retains his two special rules. Mind in the machine is slightly
different in that he must select a vehicle within 12" now and it only
works on a 4+. If shaken/stunned it must fire snap shots and it can only be one
of the vehicles weapons, not all as before. He's been toned down a little but
is pretty much the same as before and still worth it IMO.
Trazyn the infinite - yet another
character to see a significant points drop (spotting a pattern here?). Trazyn
has lost his mindshackle scarabs and, due to the changes to scoring in this
edition, also lost his 'another piece for the collection' rule. The empathic
obliterator is pretty much the same (fairly lame) and his surrogate hosts rule
is similar, in that on a 2+ he replaces a character model (non-unique) when he
dies. Given that the necron army isn't replete with characters I think it's a
rather limited rule and given that Trazyn isn't actually that great would you
really want to replace your destroyer lord with him, assuming you bothered to
take him in the first place. IMO the weakest of the Overlord characters.
Catacomb Command Barge - now a
seperate entry rather than dedicated transport, these guys have changed a fair
bit. They are overall a lot cheaper now and obviously the chariot rules now
govern things such as sweep attacks and the passenger. Phase shifters have been
clarified and symbiotic repair now no longer exists, again due to the chariot
rule changes. A new rule exists in the form of command wave, which either grants
the same benefits as the immortal hubris warlord trait, or stacks with hubris
to extend to 18". Also, it's a big change in that now it can no longer be
taken as a dedicated transport for named HQ characters.
Part two will look at the other codex datasheets for individual units. Cheers.
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