It's a bit late
in the day for me to talk about Harlequins but I couldn't just let their
appearance on the 40k scene as a separate entity go unmentioned. Alex over on
From the Fang has done a much better job of analyzing them than I could hope to
and so where I'll simply skim the release I highly recommend reading his articles. Codex: Harlequins starts a brave new era in the 40k universe which
was slightly foreshadowed by the Imperial Knight, Tempestus and multitude of
codex supplements. That is, an era that doesn't solely rely on updating
existing codexes and throwing in the occasional campaign, but instead fleshes
out minor races with their own rules and expanded model ranges. This is
precisely what the 40k Universe needs now that all the regular codexes are up
to date if it is to prevent itself stagnating. Now that the Skitarii codex is
on the horizon I hope these will be but the first.
The codex
itself is slightly smaller than a regular codex but is replete with the same
gorgeous artwork we are used to by now. I find it a bit of a shame that the
otherwise diversely coloured Harlequins have now been subdivided into different
masques with fairly uniform colour schemes, but they have to fill the pages
The units have
been greatly expanded to not only encompass the classic troupe but also beefing
up the Troupe Master as a 2-wound character which is primed to be your Warlord.
The death jester and Shadowseer are now individual elite choices and are joined
by the all new revamped Solitaire. Speaking of classics, Harlequin jetbikes are
also as 2-seaters with melee options in the form of Skyweavers. But that's not
all. Also joining the show is a transport vehicle in the form of the Starweaver
and a gunboat in the form of the Voidweaver.
We are
introduced to new weaponry in the forms of a new neuro pistol, changed rules
for the harlequins kiss and new weapons in the form of the caress and embrace.
But this is only the start, as not only do the death jester and Shadowseer have
new weapon profiles but also a host of new weapons are introduced with the
sky/star and voidweavers, including haywire weaponry, mirage launchers and a
baby prism cannon.
Rules wise, the
harlequins retain much of their former flavour but now have a psychic
discipline all of their own in the form of phantasmancy, of which the primaris
is the much needed veil of tears. Points-wise there are some increases and
decreases across the board and also stat changes as the characters are now all
2 wound minimum. The Warlord traits are really interesting and flavourful and I
like that there are 3 tables to choose from with several mutual options - also
making only half the options available to other characters makes the troupe
master an appealing choice. And of course there is the Masque detachment and the
now familiar formations and relics to choose from.
The models are
the real stars of the show though, and they need to be as the existing metals
were already of a high standard. The new Troupe retains most elements of the
old models just with a few new weapons and masks. The individual characters
have beautiful and dynamic updates posed on scenery and the new solitaire is
gorgeous, though I was a bit put off by the mask at first. The skyweavers are a
nice version of jetbikes that meet craftworld and dark eldar in the middle and
put an unique spin on things with the passenger. Likewise, the star/voidweaver
is a larger cousin to the venom with elements of the vyper included. In one
fell swoop the harlequins have all the models they'll ever need and they're
Overall a great
little release that I was sorely tempted by but ultimately chose to pass on in
order to pursue other projects first. Suffice to say though that I fully intend
to revisit them at a later date. Let's hope this is the first of many mini-dex
releases as it's a great way of smashing out a whole army in just a few weeks
worth of releases and breathing fresh life into the game and hobby.
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